Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Okay....its May!! what the heck. it is snowing!!!! I'm so sick of cold weather. I can't wait for 60 degree weather!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Andy has a salt water fish aquarium that he let us fish-sit while he went to georgia. The kids love this thing! It has nemo, a star fish, a peppermint shrimp (its really cool looking) and other cool looking fish. They say goodnight to the fish...say good morning....and show the neighbor kids all the fish on a daily basis. Mya will just sit and watch the fish forever! (which if you know her...she doesn't still still for more than 2 seconds so this is great!) Andy will be taking it back soon...I guess we'll have to get our own fish tank.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Grandma Boot

This weekend in Utah we celebrated grandma boots 86th birthday. All the aunts and uncles came (except one) and some cousins. We loved to see Oma. Nash really likes her and gets really excited when we go see her. He goes right up to her and holds her hand. We don't know how much longer Grandma will be with us, so I am so glad I live close enough to see at least once a month.

The kids love to wear Aunt Anneke's little Dutch wooden shoes every time we go see Oma.
Saying goodbye. I love you Grandma!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

More pics.....

Mya sneeking over the pole. Naughty!!!

The kids were trying to climb up to this skeleton. Nash made it...Mya did not!

Nash digging for bones!!

Dinosour Museum

Nanna and Poppy took us to the Museum at Thanksgiving Point. It was a blast. The kids were literally running from exhibit to exhibit.
HUGE dino foot!!

Nash and poppy

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Random new pics....

Mya beeing grumpy
My sweet Nash
Mya fighting with Uncle Andy

Poor Tyson.....

For those of you who wonder where the heck I've been....well......the hospital and doctors offices mostly. For the past 3 weekends we have been in the hospital for Tyson. The first weekend we went in cause we thought he was having a kidney stone. He was peeing blood and in complete agony. So he spend the night in the hopsital with morphine and thought it was over. Well then on the next Thursday he started peeing blood again, and we thought...another kidney stone. So into the hospital again where he gets a CAT scan. Come to find it's not kidney stones, but his kidney is bleeding and there is a clot in it not allowing the blood to drain out, so his kidney is starting to swell up with blood, causing lots of pain. They first thought it was a tumor, which scared us to death. They couldn't tell what was causing the bleeding so the following Tues. we went back to the hospital for a cystoscopy (SP?). They went in and discovered the bleeding had stopped but still didn't know what had caused it. SO FRUSTRATING!!!!! So they sent us home, with Tyson still in sooooo much pain. This past weekend he was STILL in a LOT of pain so we had to go back to get stronger medicine (hence morphine). He is still in a lot of pain and completly doped up on loads of pain medicine. AND WE STILL HAVE NO ANSWERS!!! We go see the urologists AGAIN tomorrow, and hopefully get some answers.