Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer Fun

This summer has gone by soooo fast. I can't believe school is starting soon and fall is on its way...ugh. So here is a recap of our fun summer....

We took the kids to a water park in Pocatello.

We went to the rexurg fair. I love this pic of mya and her friend sadie. They were laughing so hard. It was hilarious.

Nash was BEGGING me to let him so on this hammer ride. Its the one that goes upside down, forward and backward....like FOREVER!!!! I told him there was no way i was going to go it with him, but he insisted. He was surprised that he "floated" when he went upside down. I was nervous he would hate it, but he did awesome! I was proud of him.

Of course....they had to get their faces painted. Nash was a white tiger, and Mya got a pink fish

We made a trip to the zoo. As you can see below....Nash DID NOT want to sit on this. He thinks he too old. hahaha lol

Van watching the monkeys. He loved ALL the animals and wanted to stay at each exhibit forever. ( i love this pic, how he is standing on his toes!!)

Mya loved brushing the goats

Nash had another great season of soccer.

Van hanging out at one of Nash's soccer games.

At Tyson's family reunion, him and his sisters did a airband. It was really funny!!

Mya with her cousin Jessie. She kept pulling faces. If know Mya, she is a girl with a millions faces!!

After about 20 shots, she finally stopped pulling faces, and smiled...well, kind of.