Halloween started great. We were excited to go trick or treating.... until disaster happened. Van got hit by a car. We are so thankful his injuries are not life threatening. He has a fractured pelvis, cracked heel, bruised lung and his ligaments in his 1st two vertabraes torn. He had surgery on his neck.... they took bone from his hip and placed it in his neck, holding it together with a metal plate and 4 screws. He has to wear a neck brace for another month. And recovery will be about 4 months. He is such a brave boy. Truly a miracle he is alive and nothing else was wrong. We know he was watched over by his guardian angels. He is still the smiliest kid you will ever meet!!!
The pictures below are probably out of order, but they are of him in the plane going down to Children's hospital in Utah, some in the hospital and 1 I took today... he sure is happy to be home!!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Van the man.....
Posted by melanie at 4:04 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 7, 2011
Poor Tyson
3 weeks ago, Tyson had an accident at work. He fell off a roof. NOT FUN! His ankle joint dislocated, which made his foot turn in a position it shouldn't have. He tore all the ligaments in his foot, and his nerves were all damaged. And part of his bone chipped off. It was pretty nasty... (i have pictures of his foot but i won't post it for you who are "weak of the stomach.) He broke his wrist in 2 spots. Tore his lip totally open and cut above his eye. Poor guy looked like he got ran over by a train. We have a lot recovery ahead of us. He isn't able to put ANY pressure on his foot for at least 6 weeks. and his wrist for 3 months. And he has to go in for surgery again in a couple weeks. (if anyone DOES want to see pics of his foot...let me know!! i think they are pretty cool...)

Posted by melanie at 10:09 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Check check...
I'm just doing a quick post to try out the new Blogger app... i'll post more later
But this is Mya and her bbf's after cheerleading at the high school half time show
Posted by melanie at 4:10 PM 3 comments
Thursday, July 7, 2011
summer pics....

Posted by melanie at 9:42 PM 4 comments
Monday, June 13, 2011
its been awhile....
okay.... so its been a while since i've posted....i will soon. I PROMISE!!!!
Posted by melanie at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Miss Mya turned 5 years old last week. She had quite the birthday......

Posted by melanie at 8:09 PM 5 comments
Monday, January 24, 2011
Christmas pics...a little late i know....
This year for Christmas my house was FULL!!!! All my siblings (except brett) and their families came to my house!!! They all surprised me and came for Christmas. I had 16 kids and 10 adults in my house for a week. Needless to say....it was CRAZY but so much fun.
Posted by melanie at 8:01 PM 2 comments